Updated: June 25, 2024

New Governor Self-Study Curriculum

The Self-Study curriculum outlined below is a comprised of videos, articles and other resources to review. We ask that each incoming Governor (or Governor-elect) complete the curriculum prior to the scheduled New Governor Orientation. 

For questions, please contact Paris Eriksen, parise@wsba.org.

Required Reading List

  1. New Bar Board Member Handbook published by the ABA Center for Bar Leadership. A physical copy of the manual will be mailed to each governor-elect prior to the New Governor Orientation. Please review the manual and bring your copy with you to the New Governor Orientation. 
  2. Governors Manual. In particular, read the following:
  • WSBA Bylaws
  • General Rule 12
  • History of the Legal Profession and its Regulation
  • Integrated Bar Caselaw
  • Board of Governors Officer Roles and Responsibilities

Required Video Viewing

More videos available on the Governors Manual, which are recommended.

  1. Volunteer's Introduction to the Washington State Bar Association (4:35 mins.)
  2. History of and Legal Challenges to the Integrated Bar Structure (7:27 mins.)
  3. WSBA Financial Overview (11:35 mins.)
  4. Delivering on WSBA's Commitment to DEI: passcode is G!a&k?d5 (22:06 mins.)
  5. Beyond Zero Sum Thinking: Demystifying DEI: passcode is tR2z3b?A (44:41 mins.)
  6. Washington State Bar Foundation Overview (3:01 mins.)
  7. Cybersecurity Training. This will be sent separately and may occur after the New Governor Orientation.


Optional/Recommended Reading

  1. The Four Principles of Purpose-Driven Leadership
  2. Demystifying Diversity Equity and Inclusion Materials