Budget & Audit Committee
Statement on Fiscal Integrity
The Budget and Audit Committee expresses a high-degree of confidence in WSBA’s financial integrity following another clean yearly audit opinion in February 2024 for fiscal year 2023. Committee members reviewed the independent auditor’s report, which certified that WSBA finances are well managed and accurate in all material respects. WSBA has received similar clean “unmodified opinions” (no material weaknesses, no management letter issued) from independent audit firms for at least the past 30 years. The positive opinion indicates that WSBA has strong internal financial controls.
The Board of Governors sets operational priorities and approves WSBA’s annual budget, and the Budget and Audit Committee meets monthly to oversee financial matters. Committee members are committed to being accountable to members and the public through a high level of transparency and active examination of fiscal operations. As such, the WSBA will continue to work with independent auditors to ensure robust and appropriate audits into the future.
Most financial information, including detailed financial statements, the current budget with revenues and expenditures by line item, Treasurer Reports, and audit reports, are on the Finance page.
Responsibilities of the Budget & Audit Committee
The committee reviews, recommends, and takes action as empowered by the Board of Governors, on WSBA financial matters regarding:
- Annual budget and long range financial planning
- Annual independent audit
- Financial reports
- Significant fiscal policies
- Investments
- Designated expenditure approvals
Next Meeting: Noon-2 p.m. Monday, April 14, 2025
Call in at 253-215-8782 or toll free at 888-788-0099
Meeting ID: 897 0902 2264 || Passcode: 204201
Materials available upon request
You are not required to state your name to join this meeting. If the conference call provider message asks that you state your name, you may press#, without stating your name, and you will be connected to the meeting. Committee members will be required to state their name in order to establish a quorum.
The purpose of the meeting is for the committee to discuss, deliberate, and take potential final action regarding the agenda items included in the meeting materials.
Reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities will be provided upon request. Please see our Accommodations page or contact Tiffany Lynch at tiffanyl@wsba.org or 206-727-8241.
Contact the Committee
Tiffany Lynch, Director of Finance, tiffanyl@wsba.org
Kari Petrasek, Treasurer, kari@petraseklaw.com