Updated: March 6, 2025

If you are concerned about a lawyer who may be struggling with a substance abuse or mental health issue, we encourage you to contact the Member Wellness Program at 206-727-8268 or book your consultation here. This consultation is confidential (APR 19) and is your opportunity to discuss your concerns with an experienced clinician. In addition, if you have filed a grievance against the attorney you are concerned about we are unable to assist you with your concern. 

  • We can educate you about mental health symptoms or signs of addiction.
  • We can refer you to psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, nurses, hospitals, and mental health workers throughout the state of Washington.
  • We can give you advice about communicating with the lawyer.
  • We can help you encourage the lawyer to contact the Member Wellness Program for consultation or phone therapy.
  • In some instances, we may reach out to the lawyer in question. In these instances, we do not name the person who called us. Additionally, we cannot tell you whether we have reached out to the attorney in question as our communication with them is confidential.

We do not share our information with the Office of Disciplinary Counsel, which has a separate grievance process.