Updated: Feb. 12, 2025

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All issues of Washington State Bar News are now available in downloadable PDF format for easier accessibility. Visit wabarnews.org and click on “Archive” to find and download the current and back issues of Bar News. If you have questions or need assistance in downloading an edition, please email wabarnews@wsba.org.

Article Submission Guidelines

Washington State Bar News relies on submissions from WSBA members and nonmembers that are of interest to readers. Please contact the editor if you have questions about your submission or to discuss a topic for an article. Send articles to wabarnews@wsba.org. Articles should not have been submitted to any other publications and become the property of the WSBA.

Articles typically run 1,500 words. Citations should be incorporated into the body of the article and kept to a minimum. Please include a brief author’s biography, including contact information, at the end of the article. High-resolution graphics and photographs are requested. Authors should provide a high-resolution digital photo of themselves with their submission.

The editor reserves the right to edit articles as deemed appropriate. The editorial team may work with the writer, and the editor may provide additional proofs to the author for review. Bar News is published nine times a year on or about the first of the month. The current circulation is approximately 34,000.

Letters to the Editor Policy

Beyond the Bar Number: Tell your story in Bar News's Q&A.

Submit a Book Review.

Bar News cover showing

Subscription Information

All active members of the WSBA receive Washington State Bar News. For inactive, honorary, and emeritus members, a free subscription is available upon request. The nonmember subscription rate is $36 a year, Washington residents, please add sales tax (current sales tax rate). To subscribe to Bar News, email wabarnews@wsba.org.

Reprint Requests

Requests for permission to reprint Bar News articles should be sent to subscriptions@wsba.org.