Washington Young Lawyers Committee Projects
Please join the Washington Young Lawyers Committee (WYLC) in their work to welcome new and young lawyers into the legal profession.
Anyone may sign up for to work on a WYLC project. If you would like to join, please click on the name of the project lead and contact them directly to sign up.
Project Categories:
- Recruitment and Outreach
- Awards
- Bylaws and Governance
- Debt and Student Loans
- Financial Focus CLE
- Trial Advocacy Program (TAP)
- Mentorship
Recruitment and Outreach
Project lead: TBD
Members: N/A
This team will focus on member recruitment and outreach for the WYLC, including identifying and prioritizing WYLC member needs and developing action items to assist with retention, recruitment of members and outreach for the Washington Young Lawyers Committee. Particular focus may be placed in areas with low representation on the WYLC.
Project lead: Alexander Reaganson
Members: N/A
Administer the Public Service & Leadership Award. Write NWSidebar blog posts (and possibly a Bar News article) about award recipients. Administer the ABA YLD Delegate Meeting Scholarships for the midyear and annual meetings. Evaluate the scholarship applications and select delegate scholarship recipients. To learn more about the scholarship and deadlines, visit the ABA Scholarship webpage. Work with WSBA staff to research, order, and present awards for outgoing WYLC members.
Bylaws and Governance
Project Lead: Mason Ji
Members: N/A
This team will be doing work preparing proposed bylaws changes affecting the young lawyer definition as well as the young lawyer Board of Governors position. The team may interface more closely with the Board and the state Supreme Court regarding matters affecting WSBA governance.
Debt and Student Loans
Project leads: Stephan Yhann
Members: N/A
Propose, develop, and outline debt solutions and new lawyer benefits for young and new lawyers.
Financial Focus CLE
Project leads: Chawisa Laicharoenwat
Members: N/A
Develop financial planning CLE aimed at New and Young Lawyers with the WSBA CLE team.
Project leads: Janta Steele
Members: N/A
This team will focus on mentorship opportunities for new and young lawyers,
Trial Advocacy Program
Project leads: TBD
Members: N/A
Work with the WSBA New Member Education and CLE teams to develop and promote the annual WSBA Trial Advocacy Program (TAP), which offers trial-skills training and a mock trial. This seminar is designed for attorneys working in the criminal or civil arena with little to no trial experience, but a strong desire to become effective trial lawyers.
Time commitment and level of engagement varies. Contact project leads for more information or reach out to newmembers@wsba.org with any additional questions.