Updated: May 31, 2024

Washington Courts

As the state nears reopening, what's the current status of operations at your local court? Get the latest operations updates and information at your local superior, district, and municipal courts by clicking a county in the map or below.

Washington mapWhatcom CountySan Juan CountySkagit CountyIsland CountySnohomish CountyOkanogan CountyFerry CountyStevens CountyPend Orielle CountyChelan CountyDouglas CountyGrant CountyLincoln CountySpokane CountyWhitman CountyAdams CountyFranklin CountyWalla Walla CountyColumbia CountyGarfield CountyAsotin CountyBenton CountyYakima CountyKittitas CountyKlickitat CountyKing CountyPierce CountyThurston CountyLewis CountySkamania CountyClark CountyCowlitz CountyWahkiakum CountyPacific CountyGrays Harbor CountyMason CountyClallum CountyKitsap CountyJefferson County

Adams Asotin Benton Chelan Clallam Clark Columbia Cowlitz Douglas Ferry Franklin Garfield Grant Grays Harbor Island Jefferson King Kitsap Kittitas Klickitat Lewis Lincoln Mason Okanogan Pacific Pierce San Juan Skagit Skamania Snohomish Spokane Stevens Thurston Walla Walla Whahkiakum Whatcom Whitman Yakima