Legal Help
Please note: WSBA does not provide legal advice or referrals to private attorneys. Below are resources for you to connect with and find an attorney that is right for your situation.
What's New?
Frequently Asked Questions about finding legal help in Washington state, also in Spanish and Chinese.
Free Legal Help
CLEAR (Coordinated Legal Education, Advice and Referral) assists low-income Washington residents with civil legal problems. Apply online for free legal help, or call one of the toll-free numbers below:
If you are located inside King County, call the 211 Legal Referral and Information Hotline Monday through Friday 8 a.m.–6 p.m.
If you are located outside King County, call CLEAR toll-free at 888-201-1014 Monday through Friday 9:15 a.m.–12:15 p.m.
Facing Eviction? Call 1-855-657-8387
Facing Foreclosure? Call 1-800-606-4819
Volunteer Lawyer Programs
Many Washington counties have volunteer programs that can connect people with civil legal problems to a pro bono attorney.

Reduced-Fee Legal Help
Family Law Matters
For family law matters, consider a limited license legal technician (LLLT). Washington is the first state in the nation to offer this new option for reduced-cost legal representation.
Real Estate Closings
For real estate closings, learn about the role of a limited practice officer (LPO).

Local Attorney Referral Services
Local County Bar Association Referral Services:
Clark County, King County, Mason County, San Juan County (email to request referral), Snohomish County, Tacoma-Pierce County, Thurston County
American Bar Association's Referral Directory

Self-Help Legal Resources
Washington Law Help provides forms, tools, and basic information on a range of legal problems. They can also provide information about how to represent yourself in court for certain legal issues.
Northwest Justice Project YouTube channel offers legal information on a range of issues.
The Law Links page contains links to online legal resources, government and judicial resources, and more.
Frequently Asked Questions about finding legal help in Washington state, also in Spanish and Chinese.
Find a Lost Will. Get help with finding a relative’s will, or finding the attorney who wrote it.