Updated: March 14, 2025

Washington State Affinity Bar Associations

To improve the quality of legal services, regulate the legal profession and promote goodwill among the legal profession and the public, the WSBA maintains this Affinity Bar Associations webpage as a service to legal professionals and the public to find information about an affinity bar association they may be interested in. Affinity Bar Associations are not entities of the WSBA and do not necessarily reflect the viewpoints of WSBA or its members. If an affinity bar association wishes to be added to the webpage, please contact diversity@wsba.org.

Asian Bar Association of Washington

The Cardozo Society

Filipino Lawyers of Washington

Korean American Bar Association

Latina/o Bar Association of Washington

Loren Miller Bar Association

Middle Eastern Legal Association of Washington

Mother Attorneys Mentoring Association of Seattle

Northwest Indian Bar Association (NIBA)

Pierce County Minority Bar Association

QLaw – The LGBT Bar Association

Seattle Chinese Bar Association (SCBA)

Slavic Bar Association of Washington (SBAW)

South Asian Bar Association of Washington (SABAW)

Spokane County Bar Association Diversity Section

Vietnamese American Bar Association of Washington (VABAW)

Washington Attorneys with Disabilities Association (WADA)

Washington State Veterans Bar Association

Washington Women Lawyers (WWL)

Frequently Requested Resources

Affinity Bar Association Judicial Evaluation Committees

Washington State Supreme Court’s open letter to judiciary and legal professionals regarding racial justice