Updated: March 10, 2025

Notice of Upcoming Election:

The WSBA will be conducting elections for the District 2 and District 10 positions on WSBA Board of Governors. Learn more about the candidates below! 

  • The election will begin March 17, 2025 and end on April 1.
  • All active WSBA members (lawyers, LLLTs and LPOs) who reside in these districts are eligible to vote and will receive a ballot. 

The ballot email will appear as:

From: WSBA Election Admin help@election-america.com
Subject: WSBA Congressional District Election

For questions, please email barleaders@wsba.org.

District 2 Candidates

Meet Peter Arkison

I humbly come to you with the request that you support my candidacy for the Position of Representative from the Second Congressional District to the Board of Governors.

For many years there has been the impression that there was very little, if any, legal expertise in Whatcom, Skagit, San Juan and Island Counties. The thought was it took crossing three rivers and a mountain range in, a Conestoga Wagon to get to Bellingham.

The Noble people from those Counties now enjoy the quick transportation of I-5, the Burlington Northern Railroad makes numerous trips every day through town. Amtrack and an International Airport allow people to travel to the far corners of this Great Country.

If elected, I would work on making more opportunities available for you to participate in the governance Bar Association. I would work on having office staff more responsive to the needs and issues of the membership.

There are 29 Sections; if only 20 Sections presented a seminar, sponsored and advertised to the whole Bar, the profits should be sufficient to replace the need for a dues increase.

Thank you for your support.

 Video Statement (coming soon)

Meet Kari Petrasek (incumbent)

It has been my pleasure serving as your District 2 governor. I care deeply about this District. For the past 23 years, I have practiced in this District and have been to the most remote areas of Snohomish, Skagit, Island, and Whatcom Counties. I understand the challenges we have in forming meaningful relationships with other attorneys and clients in small cities. The decisions that the WSBA makes has significant ramifications on the way each one of us practices law, now and in the future. 

As a leader, I listen and collaborate with others, am willing to compromise, and have been dedicated in my commitment to advancing our profession. Find out more about me here.

If I am re-elected to be your Governor, I will continue to listen to you, represent you fairly, and be true to my word through civil, respectful dialog as I advocate for your interests. In this age of incivility, I work collaboratively and am committed to professionalism and principled examination of the issues - something our elected leaders should be modeling as it reflects on all lawyers.

As a dedicated volunteer for our community, I would be honored to continue to represent you and have your vote.

Kari's Candidate Profile 2025 │  Video Statement (coming soon)
Letter of Support 1  â”‚ Letter of Support 2  â”‚ Letter of Support 3

District 10 Candidates

Meet Ailene Limric

I'm excited for the opportunity to represent WSBA members of District 10. I live in Puyallup and I commuted to Tumwater and all over the state when I worked as an Assistant Attorney General for the Washington State Attorney General's Office. District 10's make-up differs from that of Seattle and regions east of the Cascades. It stretches across Pierce and Thurston counties as far north as Lakeland Hills and as far south as Grand Mound and includes many unique communities in between. I want to get to know my fellow south-end legal colleagues and represent the needs of our communities. 

I've volunteered for WSBA for nearly a decade. I currently serve on WSBA Member Engagement Council where we're reviewing Member Perception Survey results to learn how to better serve members. I was appointed to WSBA Equity and Disparity Workgroup to help draft a proposal to amend GR 12.2 for consideration by the Washington State Supreme Court. I also served as Co-Chair of WSBA's Diversity Committee and helped support attorneys standing up against the rise of violence in their communities. These experiences taught me the importance of a governing body that supports and listens to its members and champions justice.

Ailene's Candidate Profile 2025 â”‚ Video Statement (coming soon)
Letter of Support 1  â”‚ Letter of Support 2 â”‚ Letter of Support 3

Meet Nam Nguyen (incumbent) 

As your current WSBA governor, I have pursued policies and initiatives to make it easier for you to do your job in a changing legal, economic, and political environment. Whether you work in a big or small/solo firm, for government, or for a nonprofit, I have worked to ensure that your Association provides you with resources to promote the highest level of competence. I am running for reelection to continue this work.   

Our profession is facing the same divisions embroiling our country. How we address these divisions is critical. And I have welcomed your opinions and ideas and brought them to the Board. I have answered every email and met with every member who had a question, an idea, or a complaint.  

I have also led initiatives to make WSBA more efficient.  For example, I was on the team that re-negotiated WSBA Headquarters' lease, reducing rent by $900,000 a year.  I am cognizant of the high cost of practicing law and will work to ensure that dues are reasonable and used wisely.  

Lastly, my goal is for Washingtonians to view the legal profession as a facilitator for justice, because no matter your practice area, we are in the justice industry.  

Nam's Candidate Profile 2025 â”‚ Video Statement (coming soon)
Letter of Support 1 â”‚ Letter of Support 2