Updated: Aug. 7, 2024

Upcoming Volunteer Training Opportunities

New Volunteer Training

New to volunteering with the Washington State Bar Association? Join a new volunteer training session!

Please join one of two training opportunities to learn more about what you can expect as a new WSBA volunteer. Returning volunteers also welcome to attend! 

Session 1:
Friday, Sept. 20
Noon–1 p.m.
Zoom Meeting Link
Zoom Meeting ID: 865 5703 2119
Zoom Passcode: 198952

Session 2:
Friday, Sept. 27
Noon–1 p.m.
Zoom Meeting Link
Zoom Meeting ID: 861 1665 2244
Zoom Passcode: 520547

Complete the RSVP Form. For questions, please email barleaders@wsba.org.

Annual Chair Meeting & Training

All WSBA entity chairs, co-chairs, vice chairs and chairs-elect are encouraged to attend the Annual Chair Meeting and Training. Please mark your calendars! 

Thursday, Sept. 26
11 a.m.–1 p.m.
Zoom Meeting Link
Zoom Meeting ID: 868 0496 5666
Zoom Meeting Passcode: 634037

Complete the RSVP Form. For questions, please email barleaders@wsba.org.

WSBACommunity Pilot Project Drop-In Training Sessions

WSBACommunity is a pilot project with a limited number of WSBA entities* participating. New pilot participants are encouraged to attend to learn about how to use the tool. Returning volunteer/pilot participants are welcome to attend for a refresher and to get any questions answered.

Every Friday in October

Meeting Link
Meeting ID: 821 7314 3144
Meeting Passcode: 005306

For questions, please email project manager parise@wsba.org.

*Council on Public Defense, Editorial Advisory Committee, Indian Law Section Executive Committee, Law Clerk Board, Member Engagement Council, Practice of Law Board,  Pro Bono & Public Service Committee, Real Property, Probate & Trust Section Executive Committee, Senior Lawyers Section Executive Committee, Small Town and Rural Committee, Small Town and Rural Committee.




Regulatory School

All regulatory volunteers* are asked to attend a full-day training. Please mark your calendars!

Monday, Oct. 28
9 a.m.–5 p.m.

WSBA offices, 1325 Fourth Ave., Suite. 600 Seattle, WA 98101
Via Zoom

Meals and travel reimbursement available. More information coming soon. For questions, please email barleaders@wsba.org.

*Adjunct Disciplinary Counsel, Character and Fitness Board, Chief Hearing Officer, Conflict Review Officers, Disciplinary Board, Hearing Officer Panel, Law Clerk Board, LLLT Board, Limited Practice Officer Board and the Mandatory Continuing Legal Education (MCLE) Board.