LGBTQ+ Law Section Executive Committee Elections
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Each year, the LGBTQ+ Law Section holds elections for open seats on its executive committee. On this page you will find information about the election process, how to run for an executive committee position, and other helpful info.
Election InformationElection TimelineInstructions for Receiving Ballot | How to ApplyExecutive Committee Roles |
Election Information
Application deadline is 5 p.m. April 21, 2025
The following section executive committee positions are open for applications. All terms begin Oct. 1, 2025, unless otherwise noted.
- Chair: one-year position beginning Oct. 1, 2025, and ending Sept. 30, 2026.
- Chair-Elect: one-year position beginning Oct. 1, 2025, and ending Sept. 30, 2026.
- Secretary: one-year position beginning Oct. 1, 2025, and ending Sept. 30, 2026.
- Treasurer: one-year position beginning Oct. 1, 2025, and ending Sept. 30, 2026.
- At-Large Member: (two positions open) two-year position beginning Oct. 1, 2025, and ending Sept. 30, 2027.
- At-Large Member: remainder of current term ending Sept. 30, 2026.
To learn more about roles and expectations for serving on the section executive committee, review this volunteer position description, which provides a general overview of section executive committee positions and may differ for each section.
Eligibility Requirements: Applicants must be a current section member, or inactive member, and eligible to vote in accordance with the section's bylaws.
Application Process: Go to the Portal to complete the online application for open executive committee positions. The Section has request that each applicant submit a resume and statement of interest. These documents must be uploaded with your online application (pdf format only). Please be advised that applications materials may be posted on this webpage for public viewing during the election.
Note: If you are applying for more than one position on this or multiple sections' committees, you must complete and submit all applications at the same time, as you will not be allowed back into the portal at a later time. Please make sure you are completing the applications within the application window for all of the relevant sections.
Nominating Process: The nominating committee shall seek interested individuals to fill open positions on the executive committee. All applicants will apply through an electronic application process administered by the Bar. The nominating committee shall make nominations for the open positions listed above and communicate them to the executive committee. The executive committee will approve the list of candidates for each position.
Alternate Nominating Process: All individuals who complete the electronic application process administered by the Bar who are not selected by the Nominating Committee will be given the opportunity to self-nominate to be included on the final list of approved nominees, a process to be determined by the section.
Elections Process: All voting members of the section will receive an electronic ballot sent to their email on June 2, 2025. Visit this webpage in early June for election updates and voting instructions.
For more information about the section, its executive committee roles, and elections process, please review the section's bylaws. You may also contact any member of the Section Executive Committee or email
How to Apply
Interested in applying for one of the open positions on your section's executive committee? Here's how to get started.
- Head over to myWSBA, and log in using your Bar Number and password.
- On the left toolbar, under the "CONNECT & SERVE" heading, click "Section Executive Committee Application."
PLEASE NOTE: IF you have not joined the section, or renewed your membership, no drop down will appear on the next screen.
- Step 1
- Select the section whose executive committee you'd like to apply for.
- Select the position within the section you'd like to apply for.
- Click "add."
PLEASE NOTE: You must add all positions you'd like to apply for in this step before continuing, and especially before you complete your application. You will not be able to apply for additional positions after submitting your application.
- Step 2, upload the requested documents (if applicable).
- Step 3, fill out Voluntary Demographic information if desired.
- Click "Submit Application."
And you're all done!
If you have any other questions, or issues with applying, please contact Noah Baetge, or the Sections Team.
Instructions to Ensure You Receive Your Ballot
If you haven't already, make sure to adjust your firewalls or spam filters to allow SurveyMonkey to send you the ballot.
If you have asked SurveyMonkey in the past not to send you surveys, or if your email address has ever bounced a SurveyMonkey email, use SurveyMonkey's Unblock form to make sure you receive your ballot.
If you still do not receive a ballot, email Paper ballots are available on request.
Election Timeline
The election season for the FY 2026 term year has begun. This election will determine who will serve in executive committee positions opening as of Oct. 1, 2025 as well as some current vacancies. Please see the following timeline for important dates regarding your section's election timeline.
- March 10, 2024 — Application Portal opens on your myWSBA. See How to Apply for instructions.
- March 15 — 10–11 a.m. — Section Leaders Interested Applicant Informational Drop-in Session 1.
- April 4 — Noon–1 p.m. — Section Leaders Interested Applicant Informational Drop-in Session 2.
- April 21 — Application Portal closes.
- June 2 — Ballots will be sent out via email from SurveyMonkey. If you do not receive a ballot, email (See Instructions for Receiving Ballot for more information.)
- June 16 — Voting closes.
- First week of July — Section nominating committees will reach out to the winners of the election.
- No later than the third week of July results will be posted in the Election Information section above.
Executive Committee Roles
The LGBTQ+ Law Section's bylaws currently list the following required executive committee positions. Open positions will be listed above in the Election Information section at the beginning of election season.
- Chair
- Chair-Elect
- Secretary
- Treasurer
- Immediate Past Chair
- Five (5) At-Large Members