Edwardo Morfin Named Local Hero | Aug. 11, 2023
RICHLAND, Wash., Aug. 11, 2023 – The Washington State Bar Association today presented Tri-Cities attorney Edwardo “Eddie” Morfin with the Local Hero award in recognition of his volunteerism and pro bono work in Benton County.
“Edwardo’s work in his community, his profession and with kids is an excellent example of what we call a Local Hero,” said WSBA President Daniel Clark. “In addition to his work as an attorney, he has been instrumental in the Tri-Cities Youth and Justice Forum, working with high schools for several years. I’ve had the pleasure of knowing Eddie for around six years, and he’s a great attorney and person!"

The Local Hero Award is presented to those who have made noteworthy contributions to their communities. Clark presented Morfin with the award during the Aug. 11 meeting of WSBA’s Board of Governors meeting in Richland. The Benton-Franklin Counties Bar Association nominated Morfin for the award.
The Tri-Cities Youth and Justice Forum has convened annually for nearly two decades. The full-day forum teaches middle- and high-school students about the many professions that make up the justice system. Its principal goal is to create opportunities for racial and ethnic diversity in the justice system to match the people it serves.
Born and raised in Yakima, Morfin is the son of farm workers in the orchards of the Yakima Valley. He started his career as an entry-level office assistant at a personal injury firm and soon grew determined to become an attorney. Morfin attended Yakima Valley Community College, Central Washington University, and Seattle University School of Law, where he began his commitment to volunteering and his community.
Since then, Morfin has earned numerous pro-bono and public-service awards, including an APEX Award for Pro Bono and Public Service from the Washington State Bar Association in 2018. He practices personal-injury and consumer-protection law in Kennewick, Washington.
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About the Washington State Bar Association
The WSBA operates under the delegated authority of the Washington Supreme Court and exercises a governmental function authorized by the Court to license and regulate the state’s nearly 40,000 legal professionals, including lawyers, limited practice officers, and limited license legal technicians. The WSBA both regulates legal professionals under the authority of the Court and serves its members as a professional association — all without public funding. The WSBA administers the Bar admission process, including the bar exam; provides record-keeping and licensing functions; administers the lawyer discipline system; and provides continuing legal education for legal professionals, in addition to numerous other educational and member-service activities. The Bar’s mission is to serve the public and its members, to ensure the integrity of the legal profession, and to champion justice.