Business Law Section
The Business Law Section is committed to providing services that its members value, operating in a fiscally responsible manner, and enhancing the professional collegiality among all Washington business lawyers. Section members have access to certain restricted portions of this website, such as the Current Developments and Legislation pages. Members are also entitled to attend section events, participate on the Business Law Section list serve, and receive a semiannual newsletter and other publications prepared from time to time, including a sourcebook containing in-depth comments and legislative history on the Business Corporation Act (RCW 23B) and a report on opinion letter practice in Washington.
Annual Report | Budget | Bylaws | Year in Review | Elections | Third-Party Legal Opinions | Publications & Newsletters | Legislation
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The Business Law Section offers many resources and benefits for members. On this page you will find information about the section, their upcoming events and offerings, as well as information about the section's executive committee.
Upcoming ProgramsMembers-Only ResourcesAnnouncements | Executive CommitteeCommittee ChairsJoin Our List Serve |
Upcoming Programs
Application Portal for Executive Committee Elections Open!
Election season is here! If you are interested in applying to serve on your section's executive committee, head over to the Business Law Section Election Page to see a list of open positions and how to apply.
If you have any questions, please email
Members-only Resources
Executive Committee
Chair: Barbara J. Prowant (2024-2025) Chair-Elect: Melissa Jaffe (2024-2025) Immediate Past Chair: Kelly Anne Lawton-Abbott (2024-2025) Secretary: Ruthanna Walker (2024-2025) Treasurer: Ruthanna Walker (2024-2025) | At-Large Members: Gina Topp (2024-2025) Young Lawyer Liaison: Vacant (2023-2025) Board of Governors Liaison*: Kevin Fay (2024-2025) |
Program Committees
Communications Committee Chairs: Corporate Act Revision Committee Chairs: Financial Institutions Committee Chair: Legal Opinions Committee Chair: Nonprofit Corporations Committee Chair: Partnerships & LLC Law Committee Co-Chairs: | Privacy & Data Protection Security Law Securities Law Committee Chair: Uniform Commercial Code Committee Chairs: Young Business Lawyers Committee** Chair: |
* Nonvoting members
** Ad hoc committee
All positions are for Fiscal Year 2025, except as otherwise indicated. Please contact subcommittee members for details on their upcoming meeting dates and locations.
Join Our List Serve
To join the section list serve and for general section questions, please send your email address and Bar number to For more information and to get involved with the section, please contact Section Chair.