Updated: March 19, 2025

Real Property, Probate and Trust Section

The Real Property, Probate, and Trust Section assists members in achieving the highest standards of competence, professionalism, and ethics in their practices. The Section is composed of legal professionals whose practices span the areas of real property, trusts, and estates. The Section’s governance structure includes two separate councils: the Real Property Council and the Probate and Trust Council.

The Section provides benefits to members by annually sponsoring several CLEs in each discipline, as well as hosting an annual midyear meeting with both joint and concurrent presentations. The Section produces a number of newsletters each year with in-depth articles on recent developments, pending legislation, and case law updates. The Section hosts an active website and list serve for each discipline providing numerous resources and current information. The Section also assists the legislature in the enactment and improvement of the laws affecting real property, probate, trusts, and estates, and assists the judiciary in the just administration of those laws.

Annual Report  |   Budget  |   Bylaws  |  Year in Review  |  Elections

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Page Navigation

The Real Property, Probate and Trust (RPPT) Section offers many resources and benefits for members. On this page you will find information about member benefits, their upcoming events and offerings, as well as info about RPPT's Executive Committee.

Upcoming Programs

Member Benefits

Real Property, Probate and Trust Section Website

Executive Committee

Executive Committee Meetings

Upcoming Programs

Application Portal for Executive Committee Elections Open!

Election season is here! If you are interested in applying to serve on your section's executive committee, head over to the Real Property, Probate and Trust Section Election Page to see a list of open positions and how to apply.

If you have any questions, please email sections@wsba.org.


NEW In-Person and Virtual! 22nd Annual Trust and Estate Litigation Seminar

Register Now for In-Person or Virtual!

Presented in partnership with the WSBA Real Property, Probate and Trust Section

Join us in person or online for this program, created for estate planning attorneys and probate litigators. Hear from a judicial officer and a practitioner about enforcement of settlement agreements. Other presentations include an ethics session on multi-party representation, a case law update, and litigation skills.

Where: Washington State Bar Association, 1325 4th Ave, Ste 600, Seattle, WA 98101-2539

When: May 14, 2025

Time: 8:55 a.m.–3:30 p.m. PT

1.00 Ethics
4.00 Law & Legal Procedure

Register Online Now for In-Person or Virtual!


NEW! 2025 Midyear Conference Scholarships

The WSBA Real Property, Probate and Trust Section is providing scholarships to attorneys or students whose employers do not reimburse for the cost of attending CLEs. If the employer has a policy of paying a percentage of the registration fee, the attorney may be eligible for a partial scholarship for the balance of the midyear tuition and/or travel expenses.


  1. An Attorney who has been a member of the Washington State Bar for seven years or less;
  2. A student pursuing a JD or tax LLM who demonstrates a strong interest in pursuing a career in the practice of real property, estate planning, or probate and trust law; or
  3. An attorney employed by a governmental unit, non-profit organization, or tribe.

Scholarships will include: tuition for the Midyear CLE, reimbursement for travel expenses, and meals subject to WSBA reimbursement guidelines. (For details regarding WSBA reimbursement guidelines please see the second page of the WSBA Expense Report Form.)

For more information or to apply, see the 2025 Midyear Conference Scholarship Application. Applications must be submitted by April 4, 2025.

NEW In-Person! 2025 Real Property, Probate and Trust Section Midyear Meeting & Conference

Register Now!

Presented in partnership with the WSBA Real Property, Probate and Trust Section

The 2025 RPPT Midyear will be in person and at the waterfront Semiahmoo Resort & Spa in Blaine, WA. Join us for the weekend and enjoy informative sessions, networking with colleagues, and beautiful scenery. Leave refreshed and energized, full of updates, information and strategies for your practice. We will have plenary sessions and two tracks. Real Property and Probate/Trust.

Where: Semiahmoo Resort and Spa; 9565 Semiahmoo Pkwy, Blaine, WA 98230-9326

When: May 30–June 1, 2025

1.00 Ethics
1.00 Ethics (Equity)
8.00 Law & Legal Procedure

The WSBA Real Property, Probate and Trust Section is providing scholarships to attorneys or students whose employers do not reimburse for the cost of attending CLEs.

Scholarships will include: tuition for the Midyear CLE, reimbursement for travel expenses, and meals subject to WSBA reimbursement guidelines. (For details regarding WSBA reimbursement guidelines please see the second page of the WSBA Expense Report Form.)

For more information or to apply, see the 2025 Midyear Conference Scholarship Application. Applicants must be submitted by April 4, 2025.

Register Online Now!

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Member Benefits

Find more information and member benefits on the RPPT website.

The Section's two list serves are administered by the Real Property, Probate and Trust Section. If you are a section member, you can subscribe by visiting the RPPT Section's website and clicking the "For Members" tab. Look for the list serve tab. Please enter your RPPT section login credentials to access this page and on the page you will see instructions for subscribing to the list serves.

* Please note that some member benefits are password protected. Please contact the section's webmaster to receive the password.

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Executive Committee

ChairNathan Smith (2024-2025)

Immediate Past Chair: Anna Cashman (2024-2025) 

Secretary/Treasurer: Jessica Aurelia Carr (2024-2025)

Young Lawyer Liaison*: Melissa Sevier (2024-2026)

Board of Governors Liaison*: Matthew Dresden (2024-2025)

*Nonvoting member



Emeritus*: Stephanie Taylor

Webpage Editor*Kristy Hoad

Newsletter Editor*: Hans Juhl

Assistant Newsletter Editor*: David Rubenstein

Fellows* (Probate and Trust):
Andrew Benson
Duffy Romnor

Fellows* (Real Property):
Matthew Reinikka
Taylor Budig

Probate and Trust Council

Ryan Montgomery (2024-2026)

Council Members:
Brent Williams-Ruth (2023-2025)
Sarah Bowman
Chadwick Proctor (2024-2026)
Liberty Upton (2024-2026)

Real Property Council

Keaton Hille (2023-2025)

Council Members:
Carl Rubinstein (2023-2025)
Nathan Luce (2023-2025)
Emily Kelly (2024-2026)
Michelle Mendoza (2024-2026)

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Executive Committee Meetings

Please contact committee member for details on their upcoming meeting dates and locations.

For general Section questions, send your email address and Bar number to sections@wsba.org. For more information and to get involved with the Section, please contact Section Chair Nathan Smith.

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